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(Earth and Life Science)- She's like a Marble


It was mentioned in the book that in geology, “Nothing is forever, everything changes”. Earth movement can change rocks formation. Just like in life, struggles can change a person. Ms. Rowena Cortez shared some heart melted stories she has.

In her school days, her parents couldn’t afford to send her in school due to financial problems. So she made her best to sustain her needs. She begged for scholarship. And the other one, her father died a semester before she graduated and she lost her interest in studying. She couldn’t bare the grief she felt that time so she frequently late and absent in her classes. But despite on that struggles, she hardly finished her study and now she’s already a great English teacher.

We compared her in a marble because in the process of producing it, which is metamorphic, it uses high temperature and great pressure. Just like her, she passed the unbearable problem just to attain her dream. But as we can see, she is now a precious one that can’t just beat by someone else. She has a knowledge that always inspires us. The way she shares her knowledge is unique one, we can easily understand it. And just like marble that is not easy to break, she has a strong self-esteem.
Struggles are not the hindrance to attain our goals. They are the gift from God to test our limits and our abilities. We might feel grief but in the next step, there will be happiness. 


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