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Empowerment Technologies Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) - Quarter 2, Weeks 3 and 4

Empowerment Technologies Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) - Quarter 2, Weeks 3 and 4

III. MELCS : Explore the principles of interactivity by selecting some online content rich interfaces and rate each interface according to the simplicity and functionality Integrate rich multimedia content in design and development to best enhance the user experience; and Develop an ICT Project for Social Change 

IV. Learning Objective/s: 
1. make students exemplify how ICTs have changed the way people communicate 
2. make students illustrate how ICTs can serve as tools to create social change; and 
3. make students share personal experiences in using ICT to be part of a social movement, change, or cause. 

V. References: 

Print Material: LAS Week 1 and 2 _____________ 

1. It is a process of supporting and enabling people to express their views and concerns, access information and services, defend and promote their rights and responsibilities. ______________
2. He encouraged the Filipinos to help end the regime of the former President Ferdinand Marcos through Radyo Veritas which helped change the course of history. ______________ 
3. It refers to the utilization of information technology (IT) in order to engage in society, politics, and government. ______________ 
4. It is a principle of Digital Citizenship respect the rights of others to participate and have an opinion. ______________ 
5. It is an element Digital Citizenship which focus on the ability for users to recognize that much of the economy is regulated online. ______________ 
6. It involves the actual creation of the website(s) / page, this involves the production of images, infographics and etc. Page 2 of 3 _________________ 
7. It involves that actual release of the website / page for public view and promotion. Promotion typically starts before the actual release. _________________ 
8. It involves responding to feedback of your website / page visitors and continuing to improve the website/page. ________________ 
9. social media do not control their lives, but gets anxious when unable to access networks. (20% of Facebook users would feel anxious or isolated if they had to deactivate their accounts. ________________ 
10. popularity contest, high numbers of followers, fans, likes and retweets. (1 out of 10 Twitter users want more followers than friends.) 

Performance Task (100 pts) 
Create a poster for your advocacy (Printed) Samples of these advocacies or projects include but are not limited to:
 1. Antidrug campaigns 
2. Covid 19 Prevention 
3. Animal welfare and rights 
4. Environmental conservation and action 
5. Contemporary ICT issues such as cyber bullying, copyright infringement, green technology, and Internet/Social media addiction.

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