Breaking News



Task 1 – You can do this! Select the letter of the correct answer.

1. This refers to the number of times people clicked Action Button.
a. Actions on Page
b. Page views
c. Page Previews
d. Page Likes

2. This is the total views of your Facebook Page, including by people not logged into Facebook.
a. Actions on Page
b. Page views
c. Page Previews
d. Page Likes

3. It is the number of times people hovered their mouse over your page information to see a preview of your page.
a. Actions on Page
b. Page views
c. Page Previews
d. Page Likes

4. This refers to the number of people who saw your posts at least once.
a. Actions on Page
b. Google Analytics
c. Page Followers
d. Post reach

5. This refers to the number of organic page follow, paid page follows and unfollows.
a. Actions on Page
b. Google Analytics
c. Page Followers
d. Post reach

Task 2
Read and answer each question carefully. Do this in your notebook.
Give some tips on how to create and manage a website.
1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

Task 3
Directions: Check your Facebook Page and analyze the effectiveness of your posts by answering the following questions. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. How can you get more visitors to your Facebook Page?


2. Which day and time does your page have more visitors?


3. When is the best time to post on Facebook Page?


4. Who are your audience composed of? What are their age range, location and gender?


5. How many likes has your page gotten so far?


Task 4
Select the letter of the correct answer
1. This is the most popular web analytics tool offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand.
a. Alexa Analytics
b. Google Analytics
c. Page Followers
d. Post reach

2. This is web analytics tool owned by Amazon which provides premium data.
a. Alexa Analytics
b. Google Analytics
c. Page Followers
d. Post reach

3. This refers to the number of visits in a website during the selected time-frame, including multiple visits by the same visitor.
a. Visits
b. Unique visitors
c. Bounce rate
d. form submitted

4. This refers to the number of people who visited a website at least once within the reporting period.
a. Visits
b. Unique visitors
c. Bounce rate
d. form submitted

5. This refers to the percentage of people that visited in a website and left after viewing only one page.
a. Visits
b. Unique visitors
c. Bounce rate
d. form submitted

Task 5
Read and answer each question carefully. Do this in your notebook.

What are the Benefits of Website Analytics & Tracking?

1.    ___________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________

Task 6
Read and answer each question carefully. Do this in your notebook.

Why do you need to share your website on social media?

Task 7
Select the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following are reasons to build a website?
a. The ability to reach more people
b. Inform audience about a subject
c. Provide information about area of interest
d. All of the above

2. What is the first step in the Web design process?
a. Build a website
b. Plan your website
c. Maintain a website
d. Select a Web Host

3. Which of the following is NOT a part of maintaining a website?
a. Finding a Web host
b. Analyzing website traffic
c. Search engine optimization
d. Making sure the website functions correctly

4. Making a website look cluttered or unprofessional are cons of which of the following?
a. Registering the Website
b. Including navigation menu
c. Not hiring an expert Web designer
d. Featuring advertising on the website

5.Which of the following is NOT a possible goal of a website discussed in the segment?
a. Informing the audience
b. Generating new opportunities
c. Turning down audience
d. Building relationships with subscribers

Task 8
Read and answer each question carefully. Do this in your notebook.
What are the other ways of getting website statistics?

Task 9
1. This gives you a bird’s-eye view of everything that’s happening in your Facebook Page.
b. Actions on Page
b. Page views
c. Page Previews
d. Overview

2. Which of the following features could help your website to inform the viewers?
a. Make blogs
b. Upload videos
c. Upload photos
d. All of the above

3. What is the most crucial consideration to do when content is not your original work?
a. Duplicate the original
b. Do not tell anyone about it
c. Claim it
d. Make sure to acquire your resources through legal ways

4. How can you say that your website is accessible to anyone?
a. Needs subscription
b. Fully operable with a keypad
c. Password is needed to access
d. None of the above

5. What is the importance of getting feedback?
a. To know the good points and flaws of your site
b. It does not matter
c. To brag about it
d. To know who among your friends are honest to you

Task 10
Create a Vlog
Create a Vlog that promotes social change. You may choose from the following topics:
1. Personal thoughts on modular learning.
2. How to keep yourself safe during a pandemic.
3. The benefits of distance learning.
4. What can you do to have an impact on our government?
5. The positive effects of COVID-19 to mother earth.



30 %


30 %

Technical Aspect

40 %


100 %

• is interesting
• is educational
• is relevant to audience
• provides insight into topic
• is discussed thoroughly
• is entertaining
Concept Score ______ out of 30

• Presents interesting information
• Language is used properly and effectively
• Images and/ or graphics relate well to content
• Student(s) behave professionally on camera
• Student(s) demonstrate thoughtful approach to subject

Content Score ______ out of 35

Technical Aspects
• Camera is stable, smooth movements and pans
• Subject is framed well, images are well composed
• Subject is lit and clearly visible
• Sound is clear and understandable
• Video is edited effectively, flows well
• Titles are used effectively
• Transitions are used effectively
• Project was completed in a timely manner
Content Score ______ out of 40

Task 11
Write an essay on the topic "How can ICT help in social change?" Use the rubric below as a guide in expressing your thoughts. Use a separate paper for this.


Relevance to the Topic

10 %


40 %

Organization and Format

10 %

Word Choice, Sentence Variety and Structure

20 %

Grammar and Mechanics

20 %


100 %

Task 12
Design a Digital Scrapbook
Theme: Lining Up to the Front: A Tribute to the Frontliners

  1. Design a digital scrapbook which is colorful with visually appealing images using any image editing tool or application with the theme Lining Up to the Front: A Tribute to the Frontliners. (Recommended App: Canva).
  2. The digital scrapbook pages will be uploaded as print-ready PDFs in Google Drive and embedded in a website.
  3. Share your design in your Website or Facebook page using #EtechISNHS and #G11Thematic.


Areas of Assessment





Creativity and Appearance


Project is excellently presented reflecting creativity and a lot of thought.


Good creative effort. Project is neat and shows evidence of time spent on it.

Some attempts made to add color and originality. Project is neat, but appears to be rushed.

Little attempt to add color or originality. Project has sloppy appearance. Rushed to complete.

Satisfies Purpose


Exceptional example of a chapter's historical documentation for future generations to enjoy; extremely useful in chapter recruitment and completely effective as a public relations tool to share ideas with others.

Above average example of a chapter's historical documentation for future generations to enjoy; very useful in chapter recruitment and ultimately effective as a public relations tool to share ideas with others.

Average example of a chapter's historical documentation for future generations to enjoy; somewhat useful in chapter recruitment and could be effective as a public relations tool to share ideas with others.

Substandard example of a chapter's historical documentation for future generations to enjoy; not useful in chapter recruitment and ineffective effective as a public relations tool to share ideas with others.

Style and Organization


Display is interesting and attractive. Materials are complete and organized to present the ideas well.

Display is interesting and attractive. Materials are complete and well organized. Presentation has sequence and plan evident.

Some parts of the display are interesting. Some materials are complete but lack organization. Presentation has some sequence and plan evident.

Display is uninteresting, not tidy. Materials are incomplete and not organized. Presentation has no sequence or plan evident.



Throughout entire book, all layouts are crisp and clean for viewing; appropriate reflections/journaling is present; no words are hanging off pages; all pages have focal points.

Throughout most of the book, layouts are crisp and clean for viewing; appropriate reflections/journaling is present; no words are hanging off pages; all pages have focal points

Some of the layouts are crisp and clean for viewing; appropriate reflections/journaling is present most of the time; some words are hanging off pages; some pages have focal points.

Layouts are not crisp and clean for viewing; appropriate reflections/journaling is not present; many words are hanging off pages; pages lack focal points.



Scrapbook demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the subject investigated.

The scrapbook demonstrates good knowledge of the subject Investigated.

The scrapbook demonstrates some knowledge of the subject investigated.

The scrapbook demonstrates very little knowledge of the subject investigated.



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